Five Advantages Of Relocating During The Summer

Five Advantages Of Relocating During The Summer

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Transwrap Packers and Movers Date: 06/06/2024 Time: 11:20 AM

  A successful relocation crucially depends on the time chosen for moving, so one must be very careful in this aspect. Many people regard moving as a stressful activity, but if they know in which month it is best to move, then the problems will not be that numerous. 

  It can be said that for myself and maybe for many people, summer turns into an ideal period for moving. Replace the old premises with a new one during the summer that is why it can be called as the most popular period among families and individuals mainly due to the following five persuasive advantages.

1. Better Weather Conditions

  There is no doubt one of the biggest advantages of relocation during the summer months is the weather. The essentials of moving are usually realized in the course of the summer since the climate is hot and sunny and this favours the moving process. Here’s why:

a. More Efficient Planning and Control

  Generally, summer weather is rather constant, which means that it is unlikely that the performers will encounter unfavourable conditions during their operations. Unlike in the winter when bad weather spoils the moving plans with storms and icy streets, summer brings clear weather and pavement, which means smooth moving.

b. Safety and Comfort

  Pushing around the heavy boxes and the pieces of furniture is already hard enough as it is – let alone when one struggles with slipping on the ice or splashing through the rain. As far as potential hazards are concerned, this climatic condition is beneficiary for the movers as well as your items because any accidental mishaps will be considerably lower.

c. Extended Daylight Hours

  There are more daylight hours in the summer so you won’t be moving in the dark. This longer time allows you to begin the moving process at a very early time in the day, and then you can finish moving after the working day when everyone is free, without having to act quickly in the middle of the day.

2. Flexible Schedules

  Summer is a unique time of the year that is usually marked with holidays and this aspect is usually an added advantage when it comes to moving.

a. Time Off Work

  Numerous organizations have extended superlative vacation policies during summer hence it is easy to get time off work when moving. This way, it gives the time to pack the moving boxes, make arrangements to hire movers and shift, and set the new house in order without worrying about the work deadlines.

b. School Breaks

  Families with children mostly prefer to move during summer since it is easy since children are out of school. Stating the move during summer holidays is beneficial as the children do not have to transfer from one school to the other midway through the academic year. However, they can wait for the beginning of the new school year and this makes work transition easier from one school to another.

c. University Moves

  To do this, many college students also prefer moving during summer because it is considered the best time for such arrangements. Since it is between semesters, the stress of attending classes, balancing with coursework and other activities means that the individual is well-spaced with time to look for a new place to live in.

3. Peak Real Estate Season

  The sales and rentals of houses also experience fairly good business during the summertime due to the seasonal changes.

a. Higher Inventory

  There are normally many homes for sale in summer because this is one of the periods most people prefer selling their homes. This increased selection also benefits buyers since it increases the possibility of a buyer being able to find his or her preferred house.

b. Competitive Prices

  Although the higher demand can contribute to higher prices, on the same note, it gives credit to the argument that most of the time, the sellers are serious and well-motivated. This can lead to bargaining and perhaps better conditions for the buyers who come ready for it.

c. Faster Transactions

  Higher stock turnover because more people are involved in either buying or selling their products. Those involved in the provision of real estate including the agents, lenders, or any other professional attendant usually prepare for the busy season hence a quick sale or purchase of the house.

4. Availability of Moving Services

  The summer is deemed to be the perfect time for moving, and even if it increases the consumers’ interest, it is not without perks.

a. Movers availability 

  Previously, it cost a lot of money to get the services of a good mover, but with the increase in the number of companies in the market, the rates are highly competitive, because they need to attract new clients to their companies.

  This is also the reason why moving companies gain higher levels of popularity during the summer because it consequently causes them to hire more employees and provide more availability. The result of this is that you have numerous moving companies to choose from when selecting a moving company to hire and this increases your chances of finding a competent moving company that will also suit your time of moving.

b. Variety of Services

  Due to this, several moving companies tend to provide additional services when moving during the summer period. If what you require is a full-service moving company which undertakes to pack your items, load, transport and unload and even unpack for you, this can easily be arranged and if what you need is simply help in lifting your items and loading them into the moving van, you are likely to find a company which offers this service.

c. Other Special Offers

  Thus, there is competition in the moving companies, which will result in special offers or discounts during summer. Some of the features include special offers that are available like if you book early or get other related services, there could be a reduction of prices.

5. Community and Social Integration

  Another advantage of moving in summer is that the process of social adjustment is faster and easier when you and your children are finally able to regularly attend various events and activities at your new place of residence.

a. Community Events

  Summer is a season that brings with it occasions such as festivals, block parties and all related events. These are appropriate events to get acquainted with your neighbours as well as to also fit into the new society. Several social functions take place in summer and the friendly faces of fellow students are quite easy to make during these events you would feel more at home in the new environment.

b. Outdoor Activities

  It will be easier to exercise due to the warm climate and this will help in going out to explore the region. Whether it is such activities as going for a jog in the park, playing football for a team or a simple NCA during the summer break, then there is ample time for getting to know the new community.

c. Education and Extra Curriculum Activities

  Summer moving always proves to have an added advantage in that children can easily register in summer camps, clubs, or even sports teams among other activities in the new premise. Such activities are helpful for children to find friends as well as familiarise themselves with the surrounding environment before starting classes.


  It is widely known that moving is never hassle-free, however, there are very many benefits of moving, in the summer, to make the whole process easier and stress-free. This ranged from favourable climate and conducive working conditions, availability and increased property activity, improved social interaction and many other factors that make summer the best time to move. No issue whether you are moving from one city to another or from one part of the nation, it is invariably helpful to plan your move to happen during the summer.

  When moving from one place to another, it can occur in any season and at Transwrap Packers and Movers, we are familiar with all the strengths and weaknesses of moving in each season. They are always eager and determined to provide you with professional moving services that are easy and above all, hassle-free. For more information about our services and a free moving consultation please call us today and let us help make your summer move easy and stress-free.

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